Family2Family Considering Logo

Section 4 of the Family to Family Toolkit features many checklists where you can rate how valuable each idea is to your student and your family. Your student’s ideas and thoughts are important to consider when he or she makes a choice to attend a college, technical college, or other postsecondary education option. Your family’s ideas and thoughts are also helpful as you support your student’s decision making. Once a checklist is completed, you can download your responses as a PDF.

Students and families have opportunities to consider, rate, and discuss many different campus choices and options that may be available to students in postsecondary education programs. Among the variety of topics are Campus Climate, Housing, and Academic Support for students.

Student and Family Choices:

What is Important About Postsecondary Education

In Section 4, following checklists will:

  1. Include a variety of campus (college or technical college) characteristics under useful categories (for example—LOCATION),
  2. Offer students opportunities to rate and share what is important to them for each characteristic,
  3. Give family members opportunities to rate the importance of the same characteristic,
  4. Allow you to request a summary of your answers after your student and family members complete a section (for example—summary of the Location section),
  5. Include Ideas to Discuss, a blank column to write comments or ideas about how student responses and family responses are alike or different. You can also use this column if you don’t know the answer, or you don’t know what the specific item means. You may find explanations or FIZZ links fizz that may help you understand the item more completely.
  6. Include the option of printing a report of the student’s and family’s responses.
    You can share this information with:
    • school teams if the student is in highschool
    • postsecondary education personnel,
    • agency personnel, and stakeholders in the student’s life.
Family2Family Location Logo

The first potion is about the location of the college or technical school.

Transportation and Parking
Transportation & Parking

Getting to and from campuses and around in their communities is ...

Campus Environment
Campus Environment

Campus environment includes the general feeling, attitudes ...

Admission to Postsecondary Education

What are the key words to know when you are applying for admission to a ...

Services for Students with Disabilities

Did you know that students with disabilities who are accepted and ...

Campus Services and Programs
Campus Services and Programs

The use of campus services and programs is so important for students who are enrolled in postsecondary ...

Groups and Organizations on Campus

Participating in student groups and ...

Family2Family Chosen Major Logo
My Chosen Major, Credential, or Program

What is your major? What are you ...

Family2Family Social Life Logo
Social Life

An active social life broadens your view of people from other cultures, religions...

Campus Housing

Participating in student groups and organizations may help your ...


Since most colleges, universities and technical colleges charge students fees ...


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