First Steps for Approved Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Programs

Congratulations on becoming a Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program (FPCTP). The following are suggestions to help you implement the vision written in the FPCTP application as you navigate this first academic year.

Identify and invite colleagues from your institution's offices for financial aid, grant writing, administration, human resources to discuss plans of implementation and progress. The areas you will need to consider include budget, faculty supports and professional development with faculty, and status of completing the FPCTP grant proposal and the Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) program application. These meetings can be reduced to an as needed basis, once the FPCTP is fully operational.

FPCTP you have worked diligently to get approved. Before implementing any marketing or recruiting activities, get approval from your administration.
  • Create a press release announcing your program that can be sent to approved media outlets. This announcement can also be sent to school districts, agencies, and disability programs within your range.
  • Create a webpage connected to the institute's webpage with information for families of students with intellectual disabilities about the program.
  • Schedule meetings to share the program with school districts and agencies.

In your FPCTP Application you provided a date that you would have your Federal Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) Program application. FPCTPs have up to one year after approval to submit the CTP Program application.

Postsecondary education institutions participating in the federal financial aid programs under Title IV are eligible to apply to have their postsecondary education program for students with intellectual disabilities approved as a comprehensive transition and postsecondary (CTP) program at the federal level. Federal CTP program requirements are like those for Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Programs (FPCTPs) as defined in the Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program Act (FS 1004.6495) with the exception of the meaningful credential requirement for FPCTPs. FPCTPs must complete the CTP application and become approved within a year of becoming approved FPCTP.

Being an approved CTP program means students can apply for federal student aid to help pay for their studies. The Higher Education Opportunity Act, (Public Law 110-315) includes provisions that allow students with intellectual disabilities attending approved CTPs to receive federal student financial aid funding. This includes Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Federal Work-Study Programs:

  • Federal Pell Grant - A federal grant for undergraduate students with financial need. Unlike loans, the Pell Grant does not have to be paid back, except under certain circumstances.
  • Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) - is a grant for undergraduate students with exceptional need.
  • Work-Study Programs - A federal student aid program that provides part-time employment while students are enrolled in school to help pay your education expenses.

The CTP application is completed through the financial aid office through the institutions “e-app.” The FPCTP coordinator will need to work with the financial aid office by preparing a detailed description of the CTP program and which indicates how the program meets all the regulatory requirements for a CTP program, listed below.

  • Be delivered to students physically attending the institution.
  • Be designed to support students with intellectual disabilities who are seeking to continue academic, career and technical, and independent living instruction at an institution of higher education to prepare for gainful employment.
  • Include an advising and curriculum structure.
  • Require students with intellectual disabilities to have at least one-half of their participation in the program, as determined by the institution, focus on academic components through one or more of the following activities:
    • Taking credit-bearing courses with students without disabilities.
    • Auditing or otherwise participating in courses with students without disabilities for which the student does not receive regular academic credit.
    • Taking non-credit-bearing, non-degree courses with students without disabilities.
    • Participating in internships or work-based training in settings with individuals without disabilities; and
    • Provide students with intellectual disabilities opportunities to participate in coursework and other activities with students without disabilities.
  • An institution's application for approval of its CTP program must also include:
    • The institution's policy for determining whether a student enrolled in the program is making satisfactory academic progress.
    • The number of weeks of instructional time and the number of semester or quarter credit hours or clock hours in the program, including the equivalent credit or clock hours associated with noncredit or reduced credit courses or activities.
    • A description of the educational credential offered (e.g., degree or certificate) or identified outcome or outcomes established by the institution for all students enrolled in the program.
    • A copy of the letter or notice sent to the institution's accrediting agency informing the agency of its CTP program. The letter or notice must include a description of the items in paragraphs (1) through (4) of this section.