Are you interested in developing a Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program (FPCTP) at your institution?
Eligible institutions to start an FPCTP include:
To become an approved FPCTP, your application must include the president's, superintendent’s, or CEO's letter of commitment to submit the FPCTP application. This letter must reference the governing board’s approval and the date it was approved, so begin the process with buy-in from the “top.” Partnerships and cross-institutional collaboration are key to successful program development.
Key elements of approved FPCTPs include experiential inclusive opportunities, access to courses, and a meaningful culminating credential that leads to employment.
The Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program Act (the Act) (FS 1004.6495) established the Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities at the University of Central Florida (the Center) and charged the Center with managing the Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program (FPCTP) application and approval process. The Act also established criteria for FPCTP approval and accountability requirements associated with program renewal. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis with no specific deadline for submission., Within 30 days of final submission via the FCSUA Community, we will review your application.
Access to the FCSUA Community is granted once the initial strategic plan is completed using the Online Strategic Planning Tool. Visit our FPCTP Strategic Planning page to learn more about this first step.
Approval of an Initial FPCTP application is valid for the 3 academic years immediately following the academic year during which the approval is granted. For example, an Initial FPCTP application approved in May 2024 will need to be renewed before the end of 2026-2027 academic year.
An eligible institution may submit a Renewal FPCTP application to the Center requesting that the initial approval be renewed. If the approval is granted and the FPCTP continues to meet the requirements, including, but not limited to, program and student performance outcomes, and federal requirements, a renewal is valid for the 5 academic years immediately following the academic year during which the renewal is granted. For example, a renewal FPCTP application approved in May 2024, will need to be renewed before the end of 2028-2029 academic year.
An application must, at a minimum:
As part of the institution eligibility and responsibilities the president or executive director of an eligible institution, as applicable, must submit to the Center:
For more details and resources visit our page about Federal Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary (CTP) Program.
All FPCTPs shall submit to the Center an annual Program and Student Reports due July 1 and August 1, respectively, which, at a minimum, for the prior academic year, addresses performance indicators such as recruitment efforts, completion rate, and credentials offered during the year. Please visit the FPCTP Reports page for more information about these reports.