September 17, 2024. 3 - 4 PM
The Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities will host webinars focused on technical assistance to better support the development and implementation of Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Programs. The webinars will focus on topics that will help FPCTPs complete their reports required by FCSUA. The first will focus on how FPCTP data is utilized.
August 2024 FCSUA News Brief
In the August edition of FCSUA's News Brief...
Special Edition Newsbrief: 2024 Graduation
In the June special edition of FCSUA's News Brief, we recognize and celebrate our Class of 2024 graduates from our Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Programs at state colleges, technical colleges, and universities. Congratulations graduates!
April 2024 FCSUA News Brief
In the April edition of FCSUA's News Brief...
September 3, 2024. 3 - 4 PM
Are you planning to celebrate Disability Employment Awareness Month (DEAM) and Disability History Awareness Month in October. Do you need fresh ideas to increase awareness on campus and in the community?
Join us for our September webinar in preparation for Disability Employment Awareness Month and Disability History Awareness Month.
Learning Outcomes:
July 8, 2024 - July 10, 2024. Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort
The purpose of this FLPEPPI is to increase understanding of resources available for and facilitate the planning and implementation of Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Programs (FPCTP) for students with intellectual disabilities in all types of postsecondary education institutions: universities, state and community colleges, and career tech centers/ technical colleges.
The institute will provide content knowledge for developing or enhancing these programs, facilitate planning time for interdisciplinary postsecondary education teams, and provide opportunities to network with approved FPCTP leaders and others with expertise in this area.
This is a team-focused event for postsecondary education program planning teams. These teams should include higher education faculty and staff, disability service providers, special population coordinators, K-12 transition staff, parents, students, and other relevant stakeholders. A critical feature of the FLPEPPI is providing teams with facilitated meeting times to develop an FPCTP or enhance their current program’s performance using our online Strategic Planning Tool – Postsecondary component.
May 7, 2024. 3 - 4 PM
This webinar will explore the FCSUA Community's features for managing FPCTP Grant modifications and adjustments. We will provide a clear walkthrough and review of these functionalities, followed by a step-by-step demonstration on submitting each type of request. Participants are encouraged to log in to the FCSUA Community to follow along and ask questions.
Session Learning Outcomes:
April 2, 2024. 3 - 4 PM
"Behavior is communication!” This webinar will present an overview of the ABCs of behavior and how to identify the functions of various behaviors to identify effective and appropriate strategies and interventions to decrease problem behaviors and teach replacement skills. Additionally, it will emphasize the need for a team approach and collaboration between all stakeholders and a variety of professionals to promote independence and success for post-secondary students.
Erica Milor, M.A., BCBA, UMatter USF
Learning Outcomes:
March 5, 2024. 3 - 4 PM
The topic of the March webinar is evidence-based effective practices for successful employment outcomes.