Family2Family Considering Services Logo

Did you know that students with disabilities who are accepted and admitted to a college or technical college have a choice about whether or not they want to register with the disability service office? This is a big change from high school! If students want to use accommodations or services during their enrollment at a college, they must:

  • find the office for students with disabilities
  • provide documentation of a disability,
  • register with the office.

During the time the student was enrolled in K-12 school, services and accommodations were provided to them by school personnel because they had IEPs or 504 plans. In postsecondary education settings, students must self-advocate and take charge of their needed accommodations and services.

The following section will help you discuss your student’s ideas about registering with the office for students with disabilities. On some campuses, this office may be known as the Student Accessibility Services, Disability Resource Center (DRC), Student Support Center (SSC), Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD), or a variety of other names. Check to see what the office is called on campuses that interest your student and family.

checklists Use this checklist to identify what is important to students and families about services for students with disabilities.
