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The use of campus services and programs is so important for students who are enrolled in postsecondary education programs. According to a six-year study and report conducted by the US Department of Education (2010), the more college students used support services and programs during their first year in college , the more likely they stayed in school and completed their degrees, certificates or programs of study. Students with ID who use these support services and programs build connections on campus. They reach out to others on campus in addition to the relationships they create with postsecondary education program personnel. Students who expand their relationships will feel more connected to campus life and to their peers who use these services.

Students may find services and programs to address their mental health and well-being, their physical fitness, and future career plans. Campuses have wide ranges of support services and programs, and because of this variety, your family and your student should discuss what services and programs are most important to you. This discussion will help you ask questions about the availability of these services when you visit campuses.

checklists Use this checklist to identify what is important to students and families about campus services and programs.
