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What are the key words to know when you are applying for admission to a postsecondary education program?

  • ADMIT/DENY means your student has been admitted, but the application for financial aid has been denied. Your family should find another way to finance the student’s education.
  • DENY means your student has not been accepted to the postsecondary education program at the college.
  • WAITLIST means your student has not been accepted yet but his or her name has been placed on a waitlist in case an opening in the postsecondary program becomes available (Peterson’s, 2017).

These terms and the requirements for postsecondary education programs, along with colleges’ or technical colleges’ requirements, will help your family determine the best matches for your student. Requirements for admission vary among postsecondary programs, so it is important to review requirements for each program. An additional tip for families to know is that college and technical college requirements may be different from institution to institution and from state to state.

checklists Use this checklist to identify what is important to students and families about admission.
