Resources for Students Resources for Institutions

Welcome to the Florida Center for Students with Unique Abilities

Students and Families

Are you looking for college opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities? Let's help you get started.

Find a Program

Find a Program

Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Programs (FPCTPs) are inclusive postsecondary programs for students with intellectual disabilities that increase independent living, inclusive and experiential postsecondary education, and employment opportunities. There are more than 30 approved FPCTPs across the state.

Family2Family Toolkit

Family2Family Toolkit

FCSUA staff members listened to the needs and ideas offered by family members and program personnel. The Family2Family Toolkit is the product that resulted from family-related needs, comments, and thoughts.

Paying for College

Paying for College

Most colleges, universities, and technical colleges charge tuition, so it's crucial for students and families to grasp the critical components of financing a higher education. Learn about the options available to cover these costs while attending a Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest

- Benjamin Franklin

Postsecondary Institutions

Strategic Planning

To start the journey of becoming a Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program, FCSUA requires the postsecondary institution to complete an initial strategic planning. The initial strategic plan is a key element in writing your FPCTP Application and Initial Grant.

FPCTP Application and Grants

Are you interested in developing a Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Program (FPCTP) at your institution? Learn about the application process.

Initial and continuing grants are available once an eligible institution has received FPCTP approval. Learn about the funding available.

FPCTP Reporting Schedule

The FPCTP Act requires approved programs to submit annual reports to the FCSUA. The FPCTP Reporting schedule includes all due dates for approved programs to submit their reports on time.

  • 2024 Florida Postsecondary Education Program Planning Institute

    July 8, 2024 - July 10, 2024

    Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort

    FLPEPPI is to increase understanding of resources available for and facilitate the planning and implementation of Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Programs (FPCTP) for students with intellectual disabilities in all types of postsecondary education institutions.

    Registration and Agenda

  • June 18, 2024

    Special Edition Newsbrief: 2024 Graduation

    In the June special edition of FCSUA's News Brief, we celebrate our Class of 2024 graduates from our Florida Postsecondary Comprehensive Transition Programs.

    Read more

  • April 15, 2024

    April 2024 FCSUA News Brief

    In April edition we celebrate Dr. Seabrooks-Blackmore retirement, highlight a student from Seahawk Nest Academy, raise awareness for IPSE day, and more.

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